' Wrote:This thread is So Simple and So Repetitive that even the Single Line Title says it all, but the point is, Its not getting any better. Its just getting worst.
This thread is so much not needed, since there is a thread already made for this kind of questions. http://discoverygc.com/forums/index.php?sh...=69359&st=0
I wonder why you didnt post there - Could it be because Cannon allready answered your gripes contained here :
' Wrote:We are on a Better Server now, that supports more NPCs without causing Lags. That is a good thing, but main question is, Should we allow MORE NPCs just because Server lets us to? NPCs were already causing trouble before all these changes, but At Least Back then you could go and RP in Hostile Space without NPCs ruining it all, when Server was half full. Now, look at This. Server is Full and I have 9 NPCs hammering my ass while I try to RP and fight, that means even if everyone just sit and watch, I'll die after 5 mins - Because even 9 Ships with Class 5 Guns have enough firepower to blast a Bomber in matter of minutes - Not to mention when they have Death Hands and Debs.)
@ Cannon: You want more NPCs? All good with me, but before increasing their numbers, write a new command to get rid of them when needed. This way, We'll have more NPCs, but when they are ruining everything because they are not controllable, we can just get rid of them with a simple command.
Like, the player with Order ID types /EFF-NPCs and all the Order NPCs disappear.
That way, these nice pretty Bots that can take a class 10 shield out in Less than 2 seconds, wont ruin all the fun for the Actual Players who are trying to RP or PvP in Hostile space.
in post number three of that thread ?
Turning down strength and numbers of spawned NPCs means mod file editing. That means 4.86.
The switch there is on the server when it is running, either spawns NPC's or doesn't spawn NPC's. That switch depends on the server load. It doesn't allow us to specify where, or how many NPCs spawn, nor what kind of them. That is in the mod. Which is why it needs to be taken to the Devs, so they can make the corresponding changes for 4.86. Which again means that it must be balanced, and that the Devs need to take into consideration that not all Discovery servers are running on the same hardware as Discovery RP 24/7. As you can see, it is not just a case of *RAGE* *IMPLEMENT*. People actually THINK about what is being done, and how to implement it.