***Transmission incoming***
Origin: Freeport 10, Tau-37
Routing: Tau23-Tau31-Kyushu-NewTokyo-Shikoku-Magellan-Colorado-NewYork
Destination:Liberty Petition offices, Planet Erie, Pennsylvania
Message Body:
See, this is why I left Liberty. They'll let just ANYone live there.
Including loudmouthed, xenophobic insurance agents.
Why don't you go present your petition in Rheinland, it should be a huge success. OH WAIT! Petitions are illegal in Rheinland, I forgot!
In conclusion, if this pile of steaming whatsit actually gets passed, I personally will transport every so-called 'Furred pest' who chooses to leave to Gran Canaria, where they'll be free to build a life away from such hatred, bigotry and idiocy.
Love and kisses,
Peter Kristall
P.S. Isn't this the same Alice from IC who tried to post a bounty against Zoners about a year ago?
P.P.S. Ah, my bad, that was one Ian Collard. Still also from IC though.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie