Incoming Transmission
Source ID: Aperture Laboratories
Location: Research Vessel Borealis
Hello, Greetings, Hola, Meow, etcetera. Aperture Science is committed to progress, not trivial time sinks such as "safety" and "race". Science isn't about "why" its about "why not". Aperture Laboratories sees the existence of these beings as PROGRESS, Progress which we intend to continue pushing forward.
In light of this, Aperture Laboratories is pleased to announce that we will be offering long term employment to any living thing that wishes to apply. If you were rejected by some Liberty companies due to your genetic orientation, look no further. We want you. Expect high salaries, excellent benefits, and a career that will make a difference in the lives of many. Our rigorous employee testing will give you on the job training AND education. We simply don't care if you were rejected from every school and college in Liberty just for having a tail. We will give you what you need to succeed, and find a place for you.
Contact us via private channel for more information.