I dont see why there is a problem as long as peaple RP there char right it should be ok, allthough you will allways get the odd couple that try to mess it up for everyone RPing right.
When im in my TBH tagged char i RP a corsair and fight aganst people in my other faction, save when im flying my HF char i will RP him and fight the TBH when needed.
This is kinda of topic but Dab brought this up, this community we have here is one of the best ive ever played on, the one thing that realy niggles me is all the flamming toward AW or HF and other factions, people should just let each faction do as thay please (within the server rules offcourse).
^^ I no im fairly new and dont no fully whats gone on befor me getting here, its just what ive picked up on the forum.