' Wrote:It's a nice offer from Kazinsal, and no one is forced to use it. No "taking advantage" of anyone, so calm down. There might be reasons and issues that make people want to either have an additional secure backup or doesn't allow them to back it up safely for themselves. For those Kazinsal's offer is a very nice alternative. and 500k isn't really much once you have an ID filled with vessel registrations you really don't want to lose.
You are exactly right. I am sure he is not intentionally taking advantage of anyone and I apologize for that.
And granted, there may be good reasons that someone may need to pay him 500K credits a month for storage of their accounts. .
So Senshi, since you feel that this is a good deal, will you be paying him 500K / month to store your game accounts when it can be done for free?
--- " I might not be much help, but by God, I'm all the help you got" ---
EFFIN' ROLEPLAY GUYS ... off to flood we go for that - Hoodlum