Name: Chris Speights
Birthplace:Planet Manhatten, New York
Timezone: Mountain Time
S-KYP3: Crimsonblod
Chris was born in what used to be one of the high class families on planet. One day, his father just packed up and left. Rumors of scandal taunted him for years. He spent the remainder of his youth living in the poverty stricken slums of Planet Manhatten as his mother frugally slaved over every last credit. One day, with not but a photo in his pocket, and the clothes on his back, he set out to find his place in his world. Soon finding a job at a local coorperate office, he pushed papers day in and day out, 10 hours a day, 6 days a week. Barely breaking the black line, he struggled for the next two years. One day, a light fighter patrol bound for the Alaska system was diverted to New York, in serious need of repair. Hearing firsthand accounts from the pilots, changed him. The next morning, he packed up his bags, quit his job, and two weeks later he was bound for Basic Training. He hears rumors of his father in the Burgandy System, but they've stopped concerning him. One day, his father will rumors of an anonymous pilot, defending the small traders, helping make Liberty go round.