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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc Holliday
Location: Personal Chambers, [TAZ]Med.Force.One, Planet Gran Canaria orbit.
To: Those Concerned
RE: Freeport 11 Incident
*John Holliday appears, visibly concerned, in his robes*
I am disturbed....very disturbed...when reports like this come across my desk. I just had a long chat with Commander Tucker of the [TAZ]Templar.Gimmel and he shares my feelings. I have also read the transcript of the Freeport 11 incident.
It is claimed that we harbor Outcasts in our bases. If we had a credit for every claim of "harboring the enemy" we received from everyone, we could buy all of Sirius. Corsairs claim we harbor Outcasts and Bounty Hunters while Hunters claim we harbor them. Liberty and Rheinland claim we harbor fugitives of the other's military at Freeport 2. I could go on but I have made my point. I have also had rivals gambling at my card tables. Fact is, those bases are a place for all, regardless of affiliation. It is unfortunate that people snipe at us for it.
So this whole thing that took place was over some Nomad remains in a Zoner ship. A pity indeed. As if their aren't enough of them to go around in that sector of space. And since it is shared space with Zoners, Bounty Hunters, the Order and Corsairs around, no one can claim them.
*he chuckles a little*
I found it amusing that someone thought that I must be infected for researching the Nomads. You can rest assure that I am not. Much of my research done here on my ship is done on dead specimens and some info I have been passed from others. My goal is to understand them and on several occasions, they have let me be. One thing I have learned from them, show them hostility and they will show it back. But to quote an old saying, "To each is his own."
Guildmaster DeVirgo, I don't seek you as an enemy. I have enough problems being close to threatening Gallic Royals. They chose us as enemies, not us choosing them. To them I say, "En pace requiescat."
I do hope that doesn't apply here.
In the meantime, I will stand with my Zoner brethren and honor the ban. Let us hope that after cooler heads prevail that we can move past this incident.