Good day gentleman, I've had an interesting encounters yesterday, but I needed to get sleep before I do paper work due the strange nature of this encounters. As I was slicing the greedy serpent around the Liberty I noticed something jumping out of the Leeds jump hole to Magellan. I...felt strange presence in my head soon as I noticed it was a nomad ship, I didn't want to risk the valuable information I posses also damage to our ship Corporate Calamity, so I fired up my engines and returned to Mactan.
Once I got some cardamine I told base to get my gunship ready, as I wanted to continue my work, but soon as I jumped to California system...another one was there. I followed him in order to observe it's ship from closer distance, and maybe see what kind of weaponry does it possess, it didn't seem friendly, but I decided to avoid the fight. I'll attach my scan results on this message.
Seems their visits are becoming rather frequent to Liberty, I shall keep my eyes opened for more. Paco signing off.