Guten tag! For last days my ship was docked on Ingolstadt Station in Munich system. I must say that I had lot of lucky staying there. It's because on "jobboard" I'm still finding intresting and profitable jobs which are easy to do. Like small transports between Ingolstadt and Mannheim Station in Frankfurt. Maybe profits are not that high like in "ore business" but still it's a worth of my bother. Especcialy when there aren't to much of other pilots operating in that area. But to the point. I reveived a commissioned task. As soon as it was possible I should deliver some mining machinery to our station in Omega-7. Looks like lot of miners are working there and they need a huge deliver of spare parts. So I set a course to Mainz Storage Facility to buy those things. When my ship were fully loaded in it (4800 cargo) I've started a journey to Elbnich Facility. After a few hours of way I safety docked there. Looks like it will not be a last run here with this machinery. Scale of mining operations looks huge...And where is a lot of miners there will be lot of money from selling spare parts.