Other than keeping your leader (alte) from making your faction look like crud in the [LN] thread my feedback is positive.
I'm going to detail an encounter I had with one of your chaps. I did file a report about it, as I was a bit upset and was angry when I did it. Shame on me for that. Anyways, Del contacted me and we discussed it. He said he thought it was poor form and he'd address it. However, I'd like to at least make it public here.
I saw one of you LR- on the player list - I could have metagamed and avoided but to be honest. Trading without being pirated every now and then is a bore. So I took the route I figured he was camping. Guess what? I got my wish - I ran into him along with a couple indy Rogues too!
We did some talking, back and forth and the LR- made a demand. 1m. Hell - that is cheap and I reasonable. Paid. However, before I paid one of they indy Rogues said 1m to all present - which would have totaled 6m. I proceeded to try to talk them down. Paying the largest threats off first. Then one of them said that I need to pay now and however I didn't pay was going to shoot me. I smiled - I paid everyone but the Sabre who had been a nasty bugger. Sadly, a LNS- dropped out of the lane and the LR- and all of the indy dudes nuked me to hell.
I honestly was pissed - hence the report. Sorry for that. Anyways - all in all I had a blast. The verbal role play was spot on and engaging (pun!).
My only suggestion is to not be so trigger happy when the Navy appears. Yes, I know they typcically come to kill you. However, I was on my Zoner, a neutral party with a bunch of guns aimed at him. I'm not going to risk my life by outing you. I would have told him we were just chatting or something. You'd have gotten the rest of your demand too - that way I could have fled before the battle took place.
Now, I understand the reason for the trigger happyness, but do try to dial it back sometimes. It would have lead to more verbal role play and payment.
So - kudos for two things - the great verbal role play and for Del taking the time to discuss it with me.