"It's a little ironic, if you ask me, diary. I mean....my third entry comes while I sit on Reserve status. I'm seperated from the Primary Fleet and hardly even in uniform anymore...damned planet-side affairs! this is supposed to be the diary of a soldier!"
Another soft laugh, followed by a sigh.
"Anyways...down to business I suppose. God knows it's been a while since I've vented at myself...hah. So I've come home to planet Los Angeles to bury my father, old bastard's heart just couldn't take living in this hellhole anymore...Can't blame it really. That's why I'm glad I got out, there's no way I was going to become a cop, or anything else for that matter, in this Godforsaken city on this Godforsaken rock..."
Yet another laugh, this one carrying a more somber tone than the others.
"As I was saying...I've been thinking lately, about God, something I never did before but now I want to be able to think I'm all set, should any disaster befall me in space. This is something that's never happened before but...I've actually taken up praying, somtimes, still, really strange. I think being planetside has given me too much time to think...I need to be back in space, I long for it, I need to wear the uniform full time again...I need to fly with my comrades, taking down criminals and terrorists. Doing those things leaves me little time to think...I can't wait until the day I'm reactivated for Active Duty....this sucks. Aw damnit Diary...I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore!...I really don't...why am I even sitting here talking into this voice recorder?...I'm starting to feel dumb as hell, screw this!"
A forlorn groan followed by a loud click is heard.