The Liberty Navy has ousted me from its science team, taking my credit balance, work, and life from me.
Call me Sundancer. I was involved in a branch of the Liberty Navy logistics team. I think I ruffled some feathers with... unorthodox work methods... now I sit inside the Mactan base within the Magellan system.
I heard your call. I want in.
I made a few contacts in Rochester, fighting Xenos ships and then, Liberty Police patrols. Picked 'em off one at a time.
Eventually, I arrived at Buffalo base. After a few exchanges of fire between the rogues and myself, we called peace, and I learned to be a villain.
The Navy has me marked out for death, I know it. I know you oppose them, and the rest of those idiots.
I have the dagger, I have the firepower to be an asset of the Lane Hackers. Let me work for you. I want revenge exacted upon those dolts. I feel I can be an important part of the team.
bootstrap1. END
initiate cloak_AND.dagger