Luxury Liner Greenleaf is offering an Exclusive Holiday.
Current Activities at the Greenleaf:
-Large Casino with, Blackjack tables, craps, Poker, Slot machines, wheels of fortune.
-Onboard Spa and Health/Beauty Resort
-Fitness Rooms, with the latest exercise ecuipment
-Fantastic Restaurants and Bars
-Sirius EXLUSIVE "CoffeeShop" and "LoungeCafe"
-Sexy Waiters, that deliver youre every need.
-Prefabricated "The Old Way" Marjiuana Joints
-Relaxation and Rest, in one of 4 large "SpaceRooms"
Price can be negotiated and depends on the size of the group.
We can hold up from 1 to 200 Guests and will allways stand ready for service.
Youre Wish Is Our Demand
Contact us at the Greenleaf ((ingame)) or via our Resort Reservation Hotline ((PM))
"War. War never changes. Since the dawn of human kind, when our ancestors first discovered the killing power of rock and bone, blood has been spilled in the name of everything, from God to justice to simple, psychotic rage."