Skills/Story: Lucendez didn't know his full name or origin until his 18th birthday. Before this point he was a model Liberty citizen, graduated with high honors from West Point Academy in the New York system and never even dreamed of picking up a weapon, much less piloting anything. His future was set with a bureaucratic position in Liberty government when his parents sat him down and explained his origins. An Outcast mercenary near the Struttgart system was carrying passengers through to Outcast space when it was attacked by Reinland Military. All hands lost save for a single drop pod that had a small infant in it, which was taken to the Baden Baden orphanage where it was assumed the infant would fade into obscurity.
The Lucend family on Planet Manhattan was in Reinland on a diplomatic mission when they decided that it would help the greater good for them to take a child from an orphanage of Reinland instead of Liberty. The couple was sterile anyway and decided that this decision would lead to a greater trust between the two nations. The Lucends named their child John and continued until a friend of the family on New Berlin found out John's true identity. This friend erased all data that he found and sent a heavily encrypted message to Manhattan explaining. The Lucends, horrified by this news, couldn't abandon John after spending so much time with him. John was their son and not even this message couldn't change that fact.
When John found out he was astonished. Obviously this had to have been some sort of cruel joke, right? His parents showed John his file containing the report from Baden Baden and all the evidence. Shock turned into depression and John locked himself in his room for months, his life turned upside down, finally he started to download everything he could about the Outcasts and their cousins the Corsairs. His parents told him that he was his own person, he wasn't an Outcast or anybody else except John, he ignored them completely. Then, one day, John left Manhattan forever aboard a stolen Starflier, he was determined to discover who he really was. Because his family was dead and all knowledge of them lost, he decided to alter his given name to a more appropriate Juan Lucendez, and also hide himself from people who wouldn't like the actions he was about to take.
OOC: Hi guys, as you've probably guessed, I'm new in town. Some stuff about me: I played EQ for about a year before leaving the gaming world (although not all the way) for another two until I found something called Shards of Dalaya, a free emulator for EQ. I eventually got bored because the server was being overrun with "ZOMG I haev awesomeist weapon, I pwnzor you" and not enough roleplaying. I even led a RP guild that you can look at here until it just went dead (and school started to kick my ass). I've been at Freelancer for about two weeks and I already love it. I was stunned and impressed by the fact that the entire server was RP with very few exceptions and wanted to get in on the action so I've been observing people for a while now and reading up on all the lore. I've still got questions but before this post becomes annoyingly long, I'd just like to say LONG LIVE THE CORSAIRS!
Edited to add: Also, I suppose you should know my range of skill. Well I've been trading to get my credits up so I have almost no experience with flying a fighter. I have been exploring a lot lately and know most of the core systems and some of the outer systems by now. I am always willing to learn though and am eyeing that Titan with a lustful glare. :)
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."