Skills:Stealth infiltrations, defensive and offensive combat skills, but I admit I have a lack of accuracy.
Previous Employment History:Repair man for Renzu Corp. Joined KNF at the age of 19.
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*:Studied stealth skills on the millitary academy on planet New Tokyo, martial arts training on planet Kyushu.
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.
What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
Offensive and defensive abilities with both but as I said my lack of accuracy is embarrassing.
Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
I want to join Hanta-Iseijin so I can better protect the people I serve against the Aliens and the Order terrorists
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
As I said, I am skilled at stealth infiltration operations, I am loyal to those who I serve, obey my orders even if this may cost my life and good at combat strategies.
//OOC Information
Ingame names*:Swon.Ki.Ishara, (RRA)-L.Ka'zilth
Skype username (Required):Redfire912
Join Date on the server/forums:Can't remember, but I have 65 hours of RP with my RRA char which is my oldest
Timezone/Country:Nord-east Europe, Belgium
*(name a few important ones or something)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
They are a division of KNF infected soldier that the government belived they where send to protect the north of Kusari against Alien threat and Order terrorists.
What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
They work undercover for the Nomads and drain millitary informations from Kusari and slowly surrender it to the Nomads.
Why do we do this?
They secretly work for the Nomads and they do this to drawn Kusari under Nomad control.
Tell me about your character.
Swon camed from a nice family of Kusarians from New Tokyo, he began to work for Renzu Corp as a repair man at the age of 16. He learned about an Alien threat preparing to struck Kusari from rumors, so he decided to make his family proud and join KNF at the age of 20. Only then he figured out the threat is bigger then he imagined and being loyal to his people as always he now seeks to join the Hanta-Iseijin.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)
Have you really?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: Because the people play here to have fun, not to listen to some lol wut entering the raeg mode because of dying who swears as if it would help, not to mention the kids who play on the server who learn bad words. 3.3: Self evident:It is a RP server, it is only logical that you must speak like that pilot and not like a game player. 3.4: If you do that, people will start to dislike this server and dislike you the most, this server will go to down if someone claims to be Admin and threatening people with reports and sancions. 5.2: Attacking someone without warning just because you want so has nothing to do with RP, you must also give an reason of why you attack or everyone will just shout Engaging and this server will turn into a P.V.P server. 5.6 to 5.8: Because this server is made to be played fairly by everyone and it is not fair that the person who almost defeated you fairly and is almost dead to have to fight you again resupplied healed and with full potential again. Do not return there for 4 hours because that is as long as it takes for your ship to be repaired, you blew up afterall, A trader may return there because it is it's trade route but it may not attack/pirate and so on anyone after resupplying his ship before the attacker ever had a chance to land for repairs.
Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
Trading, fighting and exploring is mostly all i have done so far, I also was with a few KNF guys on an assault against Leeds and I also made lots of P.V.P in this nice House.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Terms and conditions
The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Yes