' Wrote:Guess you didn't read the entire write up did you Govedo? Do take another gander at the MI6 portion. I do believe those to be their under cover agents.
As for the advantage of being official? There really isn't any logic for any faction to be official, so using your logic why are any of them official? Official Status is a status - some factions are merely after the status itself.
As usual you does not seems to see my point- except the M16 thing the rest us baf- so if it were me- why should I try to keep activity and stuff and do tons of unpleasant time consuming stuff just to get status that brings me nothing in this case. But since you are not in the faction I guess someone would explain- Jeni tried to explain to me in skype I kinda get the M16 idea but the tag thing- useless from my PoV.
(10-09-2013, 10:51 AM)Knjaz Wrote: Official faction players that are often accused of elitism, never deploy them and have those weird, immersion killing "fair fight/dueling" suicidal hobbies. (yes, i've seen enough of those lolduels, where house military with overwhelming force on the field willingly loses a pilot in a duel. ffs.)