Primary ship usage: Lohengrin is based at Hamburg, near Alster Shipyard, keeping Hamburg system safety, but actually paticipates in many offencive operations in Liberty Territories. It never patrols Rheinland territory, secondary used to defend Hamburg, Braunschweig and Bremen systems clear, primary used for eliminating Liberty capital ships and is equiped for close-range battles. Battleship Lohengrin belongs to AdlerKorps division (AK|), and its captain Alfred Sommer with his experienced crew started a cruel fanatical war with Liberty agressors.
Ship history: Rheinland battleship Lohengrin was constructed at Alster Shipyard simultaneously with battleship Parsifal on request made by AdlerKorps division. The "AdlerKorps" is an offensive division founded by some of fanatical Rheinland Militars families, who are convinced that all Rheinland tradegies are caused by Liberty. Their main goal is to fight Liberty at all costs. In the AdlerKorps opinion every damage dealt to Liberty is progress to make Rheinland stronger. Supported by dozens of Marinenachrichtendienst Fighter and Bomber crafts, battleships Lohengrin, Deutschland and the new one - Parsifal break through Liberty defensive lines several times a week.