Comm. ID: D'Mitri "Schatten" Adler
Transmit to: Rheinland High Command
I've been held up in Liberty for the moment. I had to get a pair of those delicious shield strippers. Bloody
expensive. Spent my paycheck for the last three months on them, oh well... Worth it. Little else to report.
Liberty doesn't even notice me flying around. Sort of sad, isn't it? At least I get the guns. I wonder when those
Interspace guys are going to get their hands on the plans and start sellin' 'em in Rheinland. Meantime, I'm
settled. Catch you commander guys when I get back.
I was talking to Kathrina while I was up there. Probably a little careless. Sounds like a good pilot, though. She
told she scared off Mon'Star... lunatic... I'm gonna lay low for a little while before returning. Can't wait to meet her
when I get back.
Lt. Adler
Transmission Ending...
I've returned to Rheinland. IFF returned to normal. Ship ready for general combat... Except my shield. If anyone
runs across a class 8 light fighter shield, tell 'em to send it my way!
**Everybody! Meet Schatten (Shadow, in english). He's my new RM character. Light Fighter Pilot. You'll figure
out his personality real quick, I think. He'll be fun to play. If you meet him, he's a Lieutenant like the rest of you
working mugs. I'm not going to take command with him. Period.