Transmitting: ID-Shinju no gensui.
Target: <HIDDEN>
Quote:Important Details - *Answer as applicable
Full Name: Shinju no gensui
Current Rank*: 1st rank leftenant on Battleship Nagumo
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Plantet Honshu
Skills: Advice in hostile situations, Exeptional Gunboat piloting and above, Playing the Biwa (琵琶) pear-shaped lute, Confusing and manipulation tactical warfare.
Previous Employment History: Merchant, Radar assistant, Radar officer, 2nd rank leftenant on Battleship Nagumo, 1st rank leftenant on Battleship Nagumo.
Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*:
Already stated above- But will be repeated:
Radar assistant, Radar officer, 2nd rank leftenant on Battleship Nagumo, 1st rank leftenant on Battleship Nagumo
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.
What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
Piloted for years- However, All my skills lie within tactical advice and gunboat class warfare.
Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
It's time that my skills be taken to the next level- The worlds stretch much further then Kusari smugglers and pirates- And it is time I employ my skills to someone who can utilize them to thier full extent.
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?
No- Nor' do I have the intentions.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
Able to follow a basic order, Manipulation, I enjoy messing inside someones head, Tactical warfare is what I enjoy- Along with orders to utilize my skills.
//OOC Information
Ingame names*: So many- Mainly: HH|Gas.mask, Gas.mask, Queen.Titanic, (UnknownSignal).
Skype username (Required): walker-freelancer
Join Date on the server/forums: 4-December 09
Timezone/Country: GMT +10. Australia A.K.A: DownUnder.
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
The Hanta Iseijin are infected/ Brainwashed members of KNF/ Kusari lawfuls who are undercover and protect the meanings and rights/ traits of the Aoi-Iseijin- While the Aoi-Iseijin return the task of deflecting the true identity and goals of the Hanta Iseijin.
Why do we do this?
To ensure the Nomad forces a slow- Yet promised fall of kusari forces. (Slow yet assured take over)
Tell me about your character.
The man who gets the job done, One who takes an order and forfills it. A 'The glass if half full' person (emplying that I always know that there is more to come, Not more to go). Using my advanced trained tactics I am the perfect man for the "go see what you can get out of him" job. Waiting for someone to see his true potential as a Kusari lawmen.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)
Heh- That's easy. No... I MEAN YES! YES! Have you really?
Yes. I have.
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: <Answer> 3.3: <Answer> 3.4: <Answer> For all of the above- Just to keep it fun, RP wise. So that factions can ejoy themselves and indies can enjoy themselves as much as a faction. 5.2: This is there to enforce a non "Hey red pew pew". RP is important so that people know who, what, when, why they are being shot 5.6 to 5.8: Dead people stay dead! and RP death is everything- Remember playing guns when you were little? "Lie on the ground for 10 seconds, your dead" Same thing in discovery... Sort of...
Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
SILVER! I've seen many silver runners- Pirates for the silver runners, Yet i also have a great time in Kusari for its the beauty system, There is very little non-RP pew pew, The nice odd dog fights and just the general 'Konnichiwa' is great to see from ever person passing by.
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
6 months? Nope. Nor' do i plan to start. I had one on my first week here- Thats all though.
On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
I love to RP- Sincei am a fair man- I'll give myself a 10.5 (haha Yuki- 12)
Terms and conditions
The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: Perhaps... Whats in it for me? Oh right.... Yes! hehe.