I would like to Join the Brotherhood because i see you as one the best RP Factions out there, And i find bein a corsair very intresting and Adventurus. My skills are Avarage in A fighter.
RP Name: Rodrigo De Mercado
Age: 18
RP Story:
Rodrigo De Mercado was born in a small Town on Crete. Being brought up in a poor family. at the age of 3 Rodrigo's Dad deid, in a Raid against the Red Hessians in Omega 5. Ever since his dad deid he has always wanted to be a pilot and do his dad proud. He was taught many things on piloting and the Functions of a Titan. When he was in 16, he was put to the test, like all Corsairs aged 16 were. He was to fly to Uknown Jumphole and come back with an artifact. He passed but his ship Badly damaged. Now Rodrigo De Mercado is ready to serve and Fight for the Corsair Nation, Making his dad Proud.
[SA]-Kenny - Liberty Navy
sso|Ace.James.Hawkins - Bounty Hunters