Age: 17
Height: 65 kg
Weight: 1.64 m
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: blue
Planet/Station of Origin: Stuttgart
Background Information: He was born in poor family. His father was a worker,but his mother was a doctor.
He liked rheinland ships and dreamed that one day he will have one of them. He ended Stuttgard High School and went to the Rheinland Military. But his path in RM was not so easy. He was a worker on Altona and of course he was a Freelancer. But his honesty, kindness and strong will always help him to find new friends and team mates. And now he is ready to protect his home from all it's enemies.
Childhood: Father was poor so from 6 years he helped him to do his work. Some times it was dirty,hard but he knew that he helps to his family.His father always found him some parts (engines parts e.t.c) so Michael knows enough about how ship systems work. He built his first flying ship in 14. His first flying "prototype" failed him as there was crash in fusion control unit. His brain was hardly damaged. After this he was implanted A.I. quantum core to help his brain work properly. After his father died he became working even more harder. 12 hours on the Altona every day, poor salary makes his will even stronger.He was fired because robots were better workers than men (I hate those robots on Altona) . He was a Freelancer mechanic in Freeport 1. Then he become a trader he supplied Bretonia and Rheiland with various goods. After he heard that Liberty starts offensive against border systems he arrived in the Stuttgard Recruitment Center and filled recruit form.
Nowadays: Now he wants to enter RM to prove that he can fight and defend Rheinland.