It's more a matter of not recognizing your skill and RP ability as an indie pilot actually. Members of official factions all know each other, but they will not always know you, so naturally some doubt will be there, because of the actions of some others, so you'll have to take a step in order to show that, yes, you are good, trustworthy, etc etc.
Yes, sometimes Official factions do not approach indies in a great manner, but provided you are good, eventually you'll gain trust. Lemme point you to examples.
Corsair Elders (their ruling council) have independents on them who have proved their worth.
LNS-Assault and his wing has the trust and support of [LN].
The Order has a high command containing both members of Order| as well as independents.
Other examples can be found. You just need to remain patient, and if you are good, you'll be recognized.