' Wrote:Indie players are also many of the casual players, who wish to enjoy the game without the need to prove something to others. They wish to fly around in any ship and simply have fun for their own sake without being bound to odd non-server rules and regulations the official factions tend to make.
This is sooo very true. I have been In a few factions. Have run 2 factions,but in the end i prefer being an Indie. Out of my 31 char's only 2 are in Oficial factions,and i enjoy those less then the indies.
' Wrote:Players in factions have proved they have some RP ability. You never know with indies. Some are great, some are bad.
This is very not true. I been in many factions where they just take in players. No proving what they can do,or how they RP. I have even seen a brand new member given permission to use caps cause they are buds with someone high up.
The thing with most "Official" factions is they do not like you if you do not follow their RP. Some have even been punished in the past. Both Official,and Indie for forcing RP on others,and not following vanila/faction RP.
It is a powder keg waiting to blow. Just try to keep the sparks down,and you should be ok.
Now a rep is not always a good thing. Many of my chars have reps that Official factions dislike.(to bad i play my chars my way:crazy: ) I have 1 char that Official Factions dislike,but run to alot when they need it,and is loved by all the Indies,cause i come to their aid even when a bit overkill.(I like being helpful ingame).
All in All. Just play your way,and follow rules. If the Official factions do not like you,but you are following Vanila RP? Screw them. You cannot be sanctioned,or FR5'd for RP;n your way along the lines of Vanila Freelancer. Some will tell you differently,but over the 4 years i been here, i have never seen a person following Vanile RP,and rules punnished. Killed by an official yes,but not sanctioned.