' Wrote:That's exactly how I feel. To me indies are either valuable potential members or completely useless, illiterate immature imbecyles, who got the (impossble to take away) equipment just because nobody could stop them.
I have generally had just as good interactions with Indies as I have had with faction members. Up in Corsair land, Indies represent the same number of seats on the Council as any of the factions. I have had the pleasure of playing with many many awesome indies. Some indies suck, some faction players suck, mainly some people suck, and it doesn't matter whether they are in a faction or not in this.
Perfect example, for as many sanctions for ooc and pvp violations as the CR have, one might think they are a bunch of Lolwuts, just as bad as any indy. I would counter that it's not all the people in the CR, and there is just as much chance of having a problem with a lolwut CR as there is in having a problem with a lolwut indy. It's about people causing problems, not indies or faction players causing problems.