Another Note that I will put - seeing that Freelancer Server cannot hold much more than 200 players - Don't you think that having more open slots will have a ton lot more activity on the system? Sure - but with Freelancer it's impossible, we have too much systems for 200players (hence why people gather where there's more activity on one area. To get Rp, PVP, and of course for the <strike>lol's</strike> fun.)
TBH - when I first hear about the new house (Gallia) - I didn't really quite get the excitement out of it. Yeh, I am in GRN| but my activity is almost or barely dead - not much activity going on there, yet being far.
Heh, the more I type, the more thoughts and critics comes in mind. However, I won't spoil it. My intentions with Discovery is nearly dead as well .... but, I am holding - hoping for a small spark to activate:laugh: