lumping all zoners under one label is necessary - even if illogical - as long as the rules make zoners "one" faction.
with the recent admin decisions - zoners ARE one. and not considering them as "one" contradicts the rules - even if a heterogenous faction has benefits over a homogenous faction.
from that pov, it does not matter how much we agree or disagree with that - what matters is ... those that interpreted the rules made it so that "zoners are one" - there is hardly any room for further interpretation, cause diversity can only be taken so far in terms of the recent decisions.
about wether the war is over or not is indeed a matter of perspective. - some might consider it over or even resolved to their liking - others do not. as official as the declaration of that war was achieved - the resolve of that war was never signed officially but in a way only achieved unilaterally. ( at least ot my knowledge )
Rules =/= Role play
Lumping all Zoners together is not necessary nor does the Cannons statement make Zoners one faction role play wise. It actually have very little effect on how other factions treat Zoners and has a ton of effect on how we interact. We can't bounty each other and we can't have a internal shooting war unless all involved agree to it, which we all know isn't likely to happen.