-- Connecting to Local Network
- Username: Saerieve
- Password: **********
-- Creating New Entry:
- Subject: Me.
Things are so ****in messed up it's not even funny...
I've been in this hole for months now, without even getting a glance of what I came here
for in the first place. I came here just to have a higher chance of meeting Rin face to face,
and where did I end up? Having to stay with a bunch of homosexual drugged whores that all they
do is to just remind me of her and make it worse for me...
I'm not gonna let this go on anymore, I'll just talk to Ito about it, maybe she'll get Rin to
come out of hiding and at least face me and tell me to bug off if she doesn't want to see
me in or around her base...
- End of Entry
- Saving Datafile
-- Disconnecting from Network