Previous Jobs: Solicitor, Barrister for the Manhattan Public Prosecution Office, and Deep Space Engineering freighter pilot, trading gate lane parts and other lawful goods around Sirius for commercial profits
Qualifications: Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Arts from the University of Manhattan, with high distinctions in Intergalactic law.
Brief Biography: El Vlado was born on the planet of Manhattan on 797 A.S. as the son of an immigrant family who came to Liberty seeking a better life. El Vlado was distinguishable in his studies and entered the University of Manhattan with a scholarship. Studying a Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Arts, he studied the intricacies of interstellar law, and the importance of society and culture. Graduating from the University of Manhattan in 811 A.S. as the youngest graduate ever, whilst finishing with distinctions, El Vlado led an illustrious career for 6 years in the Manhattan Public Prosecution Office, putting many criminals into prison for their crimes against Liberty. He then decided between 817-818 to join Deep Space Engineering to make some money whilst doing part-time work as a solicitor. After spending one boring year making money, El Vlado decided to further his desire for the pursuit of justice in Liberty by applying for a job in the Liberty Police.
Reasons for Joining: As a Public Prosecutor for the Manhattan Public Prosecution Office, and since I was young I have always had the desire to pursue the need for Justice and the good in society. As a LPI officer, I believe my experience as a lawyer can both enforce the law and inform about the law in an honourable and strategic manner.