Quote:Our relentless expansion throughout the Sirius Sector disturbed the Nomads from their long sleep and they awoke early to find the Daam-K'Vosh gone, their worlds overrun, their birthright stolen. Rage coursed through the Nomads -- they had been abandoned, worse, they had been left to the mercy of these aliens -- and they wailed like petulant children screaming to hide their anguish. But the Nomads were not children in any human sense of the word: they were intelligent and devious. They had once waged war against the very beings that created them, and they had learned to bide their time.
Quote:But the Nomads were not strong enough to directly wage war on humanity, nor were their numbers large enough to take over en masse. They had to be slow, careful, and discreet, working through subterfuge and misdirection. But as they learned more about us and our politics, they realized that they wouldn't need to fight us: we would do all the fighting for them. All they had to do was apply pressure in a few critical
places and humans would surrender to their natural violent instincts. Once we had expended ourselves in a futile fight waged against phantom aggressors, the Nomads would easily be able to assume control and use humans as a vehicle to expand throughout the galaxy.
That was the plan. Initiated prior to the discovery of the artifact, the destruction of FP7 or even prior to the awareness of the nomad's existance beyond a few unfortunate deep space miners who didn't get much of a chance to tell the tale. Nomads were killing humans to make human suits with intent to initiate Sirius wide war long before the artifact was discovered. Seems kinda contradicting. So what's what?