' Wrote:Can you provide some examples? It might be good if you guys provided a bullet point list of what's been changed actually. A cliffnotes version of any past tl;dr stuff.
Clearly you guys have made some very drastic changes to vanilla lore, lore we all take for granted. Given that you're the official face of the nomads it seems a reasonable request that you make that information available in a nice compact no nonsense form.
Mostly stuff that shows the Nomads being an aggressive faction bred to murder everything they see that isn't Nomad.
The new Nomads instead have some depth to explain their actions and give them motive to do stuff other than murdering all that they see, Jarek style.
Another few changes are in the timeline, where specifically there were no real dates mentioned, the Disco Nomad Lore has a few dates added to a timeline.
Along with that, some of the reasons the Nomads exist, their goals and their creators become much more mysterious, they're no longer mentioned at all. Making the Nomads an all around more mysterious faction.
I'll read the Vanilla Lore again and point out the obvious changes.