To: [color=#FFFFFF]The not quite as moronic as yesterday... but still pretty dense muppets Comm. ID:Commissar Leon Mendel Priority:HIGH Subject:For some reason that I can't fathom...
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For some strange reason, and I really don't see why given your lot's continued impotent actions against the Reapers, Reavers, Order Boy Scouts... and hell, girls in pink sabres from what I hear...
I have to promote the MIL membership to full status... why? Because apparently there are people worse than you in a cockpit, who have died, and I need more meat into the grinder. Consider yourselves lucky... or unlucky... you know what? I just don't care... you're probably all going to die anyway... if not from gross incompetence in the cockpit, then probably you are going to die from the full frontal labotomy I am going to recommend if you don't start winning battles!
Get the hell out of my sight... I can't stand the stench of failure any longer...