BMM Republic of Liberty Lawful Forces
Bretonia Armed Forces and Police Bounty Hunters
By unfriendly, do you mean shoot on sight? And since when did you suddenly appear out of nowhere to start shooting in a fight? I mean, sure it was fine you shot the LABC as soon as you saw it. But then moving on to a LF and a Avenger while there is already a Indie Pirate Waran and a CA8 LH GS shooting at it? Granted, that BHG Orca showing up and making you run into the sun was pretty funny, but you need to stop and look at it from a player point of view. Shooting fighters in a cruiser isn't cool if you already outnumber the enemy anyway. Nor is feeding said unlawful ships with a cruiser's supply of bots. From my point of view you basically spammed about 4 set messages and started shooting said LABC and snubs.
The story is good, but you really need to work on in-game interactions.