Entry#: 142
Date: 02 - 03 - 819 AS @ 20:33 SUT
Title: Untitled.
Well, here I am. On Newark Station, in the cafe, resting my feet, enjoying some doughnuts and a latte.
Despite this enjoyable calm environment I do rather wish to be back home on the Silico. However, that cannot occur at this moment because I am ever so slightly stranded here.
As for how this came about? Well.
I was sitting in much the same position I am in now enjoying an intelligent debate with a local Naval pilot; a "charming" young lad by the name of Mason. We were discussing such things as the meaning of life, the universe and everything; interspersed with occasional divergences into things like my sex life and his fear of girls.
The Eagle I had arrived on was parked in the docking facility of the station, simply minding its own business when some clown in a Tridente showed up outside and blew it - and about a half dozen other things - to pieces.
My first thought was something along the lines of "Oh cock! My ship's just been destroyed!"
It then quickly changed to "Oh balls! How am I going to get home?"
Before finally settling on "Oh goodie! That means I can go back to eating doughnuts!"
Of course the fire alarm went off and people were running around like idiots but I didn't care. It's been so damned long since I've had doughnuts that even burning to a crisp wouldn't ruin the moment.