Law enforcement, Military and/or Para-military History/Experience*: Ibara Special Cases Division, Kusari Naval Forces
Q&A - All questions below must be answered.
What experiences do you have with fighter/bomber craft.
I have gone through basic training with the Naval Forces, and have served for 3 years duty.
Why are you interested in joining the Hanta-Iseijin?
After the Ibara Special Cases were shut down due to an unknown cause, though I suspect foulplay, I believe my skill in investigation of delicate cases are a great asset to the Hanta-Iseijin
Do you have a criminal record, or have been in trouble with Kusari law enforcement? If so, for what reasons?
As you can see from my record, after the Special Cases Division was shut down, employees have been flagged of being apart of it. Other than that, I have no criminal record.
Do you have any skills, competences and/or personality traits that could be useful?
Data processing, pilot, and Investigation experience.
//OOC Information
Ingame names*: Please contact me on Skype if you need this infomation
Skype username (Required): username08
Join Date on the server/forums: 2-March 09
Timezone/Country: United States, Eastern Standard (East coast)
What are the Hanta-Iseijin?
Undercover Tekagi remnants, waiting and keeping a hand in Kusari.
What do the Hanta-Iseijin do? (Tasks, RP style, etc)
"Protects" Kusari from alien threats, secondary task is inforcing kusari law.
Why do we do this?
To keep a hand in Kusari Military for the chance that the Hanta-Iseijin needs to rise up in Kusari
Tell me about your character.
Akito Toyohisa is from the working class. Below middle-class, his family were grown workers, mostly all of the family members working labor jobs. His siblings and he were the first generation to begin to get a proper education. Akito had to start working at an early age while still studying, but was able to juggle both well enough to a point where he graduated. Taking interest in Investigations, He signed up for the Special Cases Division. Rigorous training brought him up a well educated man, compared to his family's history of absent education.
He enjoyed the job, solving cases and doing busts on cardimine trade. When his division was flagged then suddenly shut down, he was out of a job and also flagged, causing employment problems. He was able to join the Naval Forces, but didn't like it compared to the Special Cases.
Have you read AND understood the server rules of discovery? (If no, go read and try again)
Have you really?
Then explain why the following rules are important: 3.1: No bad words, be it curse, cussing, slang, abusive, racist, age-ist, etc. 3.3: Always be In Charater. Only place for OOC is private messages or group chat were all attending are agree for it to be OOC. 3.4: Don't rule lawyer, threaten with sanctions, or act like a admin. 5.2: RP before Pew. Personal rule for me is give a good standing conversation going before going hostile, unless its joining a group fight or what nots. 5.6 to 5.8: Fleeing combat and docking while in range of hostile equals PvP death. After death, one cant enter system for 4 hours, unless its a trader who may only act in defense. And lastly, no revenge on the killer. Can't rp/pvp with him/her for 4 hours. Describe your experience of Kusari in 2-5 Lines.
Other than trading and pirating though it, I had little experience
Have you ever been sanctioned or banned for violating a server rule in the last 6 months?
On a scale from 1-11 how would you rate your in-game Role-playing skills?
Terms and conditions
The Hanta-Iseijin reserves the right to expel a member from the faction if his or her conduct violates server rules, forum rules, faction rules or is being detrimental to the well being of the faction, its members and/or the community. The faction also requires applicants and faction members to respect the opinions of the various players of the community and the time they have invested in their characters, RP and other projects.
Do you comply with the above terms?: As always.