' Wrote:So with the end of mining as a generator of activity in the Omega systems, we are once again faced with a lot of emptiness. Does anyone have any feedback on the way we operate, what we could change or new things we could pursue in order to bring more activity back in to the Omega systems? Be generous.
I am very glad to see that you want to bring activity back to the omegas, however, I regret to inform you that the people in your faction arnt helping this cause in the slightest.
Today, I mined in omega 11 for a total of about an hour. Once around three PM, and once again around 8 PM.
I got pirated by your lads 3 times.
Each and every time, they asked me to "Drop all your cargo and then leave the system."
If I comply with that demand, I'm basically doing the exact same thing as would happen if I got killed in a pewfight.
Twice, I had full cargo. The third time, I had about 800 diamonds in my hold. Pictures speak loader then words, so, I will include them.
Here we are, myself, and two friends of mine. We were asked for our full cargo (our ships were nearly full) and to leave the system with minimal role-play, so, I pulled a big finger to the hessian involved and sun-dived out of his way while our mafic fought him.
Here I came back 3 hours later, and started to mine. When I was almost done, I ran into the same player flying a gunboat this time. I didn't run, didn't make any sudden moves. Same demand, leave the system and give all your cargo over. This time around, I gave him all my cargo, but refused to leave the system. The RP was thrilling and exciting, expecting sudden death at any moment, i enjoyed it VERY much. He eventually let me stay, but again, the price wasn't exactly fair.
Here I am,, trying to make up for just being robbed,, when another hessian gunboat jumps in system from the RHA guard system, and without much RP, demands that I drop all my cargo and leave the system. In the middle of this encounter, the server crashed. I promptly got back on, asked the RHA if we could keep going, and CRUISED to the two gunboats that had been robbing me, and gladly kept RPing. Eventually, they opened fire on me. After I was almost dead, they offered to let me go if I grovelled and cursed daumman. I declined, its nearly 9 PM and I was kinda tired, and I didn't want to deprive anyone of their blue message, so I went out fighting.
Now, Blodo. If you want to have activity in omega-11 from the NEW Daumman which I Lead. I would appreciate some good ooRP respect for each faction on both sides. If this keeps up, activity in the omegas is DOOMED.
I look forward to a responce. Interactions with the RHA have always been great, I am guessing this might be an old rivalry left over from the previous daumman. I would very much like to clear this up and put the past behind us, leading the omegas to new levels of activity.:)