Salut, L'Unione Corse. First of all I would like to thank Command for seeing fit to issue my promotion; I shall not let you down.
Regarding the [USC] Meren; Our application for a station permit has neither been granted nor denied, and at this time is probably
on hold since Meren's destruction. I would like to propose we withdraw our permit request at this time whilst new facility plans and
a new location are discussed amongst senior leadership.
The Kingdom has denied responsibility for the base destruction, and rumors are abound regarding the also missing IDF facility within
the same system; We have no-one to point the finger at for the moment in regards to this strange situation,
but a Sirian perpetrator has not been ruled out.
In more concerning news, a once senior member of Legion des Damnes' was found dead at the hands of our opposition;
Cardamine and l'Outcasts. We now have a strengthened reason to combat any Maltanese and their drug, and I strongly urge all of le'Corse to
do so; Any Outcast found within Gallia is to be annihilated, and their putrid commodity along with them.
Furthermore, recent discussions between the Maquis & Legion des Damnes with Taskforce 141 of the order, with two of us there to represent
l'Unione Corse, have completed with the signing of an agreement. We will honor this and aide our
allies against this Alien threat and their allies within the Outcasts.
Fortune favor us all. Commandant Arek Maxim
End of Transmission
Casual Flier: Returning Player. Forum-PM me if you require my attention