>>>>Incoming Priority 2 Transmission<<<<<
[color=#FF0000]Source:Mikori Lawson Subject: Liberty Navy Application
Greetings. This is Mikori Lawson. Attached is my application, I hope you find it sufficient.
Name: Mikori Lawson Age: 27 Birthplace: Planet Curaco Gender: Male Height: 6'1" Weight: 195 Relatives: |Michelle Lawson, mother, deceased|, |Doug Lawson, father, deceased|, Previous Fields of Work: Drug Enforcement Agent, Ship tug pilot, Lawful Freelancer. Experience: Well briefed in ship to ship combat maneuvers from freelance experience, Lawful experience during time at Drug Enforcement Agency. Timezone: GMT -8:00 S-KYP3: Jarian.slake
For all my life, I have wanted to be part of something greater than myself. During my time at the Drug Enforcement Agency, I got a taste of what it was like to work as part of a group. Once my contract expired there, I sought other work experience by becoming self employed as a lawful freelancer, doing odd jobs that the Navy outsourced. While performing these jobs, while able to exercise some amount of freedom, I missed the coherent feeling of an organization such as the Liberty Navy, and I am currently seeking my admission there. I have much to bring to the table and hope that I can please.