Nerf the bombers so they are useless against any fighters.
If we do that, now we have
1. bombers that are useless against fighters
2. Fighters that are useless against HF.
3. HF that are useless against LF.
4. LF and GB's that are *cough* useless against bigger caps.
Okay then... How about we make one class uselessa against the bombers then. And seriously if you are saying you are getting SNAC'd against bombers on regular basis in a fighter, there is something wrong with your PvP approach.
Bomber's "SNACs" that makes peep piss on the beach is easily avoidable in a fighter as long as you stay behind it. If you prance around infront of it there is a chance you will get hit god knows Caps can shoot you with their guns easily as well.
in multi fighters against bombers, please ask tips from people that do it successfully all the time like SCRA, HF etc etc. Cal targtets and go after them.
This game requires a certain degree of finesse and mash button tactics do not work for any side (this aint "WARCRAFT"). If you think I am wrong. Jump in a bomber and fly against some caps alone and see how you end up if you make a straight run at it.
On a side note, a gripe should be that fighters can not take out bombers quickly enough before the caps die. My solution to that problem is as follows. Increase shield capacity 15 times and drop the recharge rate to 75 percent of its current and increase hull on caps 10 times. (Or some formula like that to increase time to destruction significantly)
That should increase the time it takes to take down a cap significantly hence giving fighters ample time to kill the bombers.