The tank shook his head. 'You'd think that after the first going there and your ship going ka-boom you'd have given up... Sarah, My vessel isn't like any other Osiris' either, The Anubis is a EV class. I've had it modified and such with new developments."He looked around towards Izzy giving her a warning look."You are correct that I have plans to an Osiris among other things but the running and repair is expensive let alone to restore a dead ship of such nature would be astronomical, You cant put any old systems in either or it would just go up in smoke basically.... you have to know what to put in to work with the systems" He shifted his hand to lay face up showing the Anubis and a normal Osiris next to each other. 'No one ship is the same, some might be commissioned as common vessels but Sarah.. if that's another EV class ship then plains for an Osiris is going to only be accurate for somethings.' He sat back. 'And is this the same ship I took you to see.'