Entry#: 151
Date: 04 - 06 - 819 AS @ 18:49 SUT
Title: Untitled.
I find myself wondering how the hell I managed to pull this off.
I am lying in bed, propped up on my pillow. With a naked and sound asleep Catherine Raven right next to me.
You wouldn't think looking at this ever so vaguely pregnant young woman, completely bare before my eyes, that she had come here to end my life. But that is the apparent reason she showed up. A day late mind you, but, whatever. My stubborn demand to wait actually paid off.
So much happened today I don't think all of it will sink in for a while to come. What I do know is happening is I'm ransoming her off to her boyfriend, one Mason Ralusch whom I am most well acquainted with. Catherine believes he's a cheating, worthless sack of crap who doesn't love her and is going to bail out now that he's a dad. I didn't think he was quite that bad but we'll see.
I'm going to find out for sure if Mason is as Catherine portrayed him or if he's someone of integrity. Cathy herself approved of the idea and I've just finished typing up a nice ransom note to send to the address she provided.
With the ransom note sent we will demand he bring a lump of credits down to Freeport 2 and stash them here. The goal is that he'll scoop up his returned hostages and they'll all live happily ever after like in the movies. Realising the potential he won't ever see them again will awaken the feelings of love he has been ignoring or even suppressing for so long. Or something like that.
I agreed that even if I did get the credits I'd discreetly return them afterwards. I'm not in this for money, after all. I'd ask a hell of a lot more if I was.
At least, that's the idea I'm running with. If he turns out to be as bad as Cathy says and he never shows, well, I'll have earnt myself two new crew members - which wouldn't be so bad. Cathy is quite easy on the eyes and I'm always willing to offer an expectant mother a place to live.
Not only that but she seems... interested in me, having tried with all her might to seduce me earlier. I managed to dodge it this time but I wonder how long I'll be able to hold out if it continues. Having her naked right beside me isn't helping one damned bit. Rawr~.
At the end of the day regardless of what happens Catherine is going to face massive changes in her life. She can't keep flying for the Navy at the very least and depending on what Mason thinks of her and how well my plan works she may end up without any support whatsoever.
It's something which resonates with me greatly. Having to realise the father of your child won't be around... it's a lot of pain for an already emotionally and physically vulnerable woman to go through. I want to, at the very least, be someone she can fall back on.
Kind of ironic considering we were enemies up until 12 hours ago - and just an hour ago she had a blade pressed against my back. With that said she's not much of a threat now, for sure.