Incoming Transmission
Encryption Level: Mr F Hilock eyes only
CommID: Ms Julie Francis - Directors Personal Assistant Borderworlds exports (Bowex)
Message Target: Mr F Hilock confidential, Planet Leeds
Message Source: Director of Operations Office - Scarborough Station: Newcastle
Subject: Your Application
While you appear to be very honest in your intentions I must warn you that in joining Borderworlds you will not gain power just by standing their and looking pretty, we value those who strive to stand head and shoulders above the rest of your compatriots.
While I also do understand your anger against the Kusarian. I must impress also that while the Kusari nations is responsible for the atrocities in the north Leeds and their tyrannical rule in the taus, Nottingham and Milton Keynes and other Kusari systems that not all Kusari groups such as the Golden Chrysanthemums, the Gas Miner Guild and the Blood Dragons do help us indirectly also when traversing other houses such as Liberty and Rheinland do not engage Kusari assets but do engage them in a war of words.
Anyway the rest of your application is absolutely in order as such I will grant your a Provisional Place. Please note you must fill out an induction test before you are able to join fully.