We pirated one zoner barge, suddenly all transmission were made to Corsairs/Black Sails..like its a huge thing ? We've had good relations with Freeport 5 for a long time now, why ? Because they don't bother us, also they tag their ships so they can be recognized and work closely with us.
Thing is Dakun over reacted, not seeing his role as Zoner (which means to be neutral and try to solve thinks peacefully at first rather then anything else, besides its only another zoner, its not directly ship on of his armada on fp). In other words avoiding confrontation with Bretonias, Sairs,Hessians ,Rheinlanders in such a delicate position in omegas.. Other than that he can solve it really easily, send apology and offer shipments in return etc.
From my point of view as player: I actually like him, and I'm glad to see he took over some bigger project. I don't mind him, I want to see him in that role. He messed up some thing ? Who cares...he will learn it.
To Dakun : Keep it up man, also if you're in doubt how you should react you can always ask other zoners, I'm sure people like Doc Holliday would give you any advice you need. Good luck.