[font=Century Gothic]Well...after reading the answers and before the lock about offenses, I would like to point on the main question. There were a lot of interesting and usefull answers and discussions, but I still dont understand this "invite only, my friends friend is ok, but noboy else stuff"..., and no, I'm not interested in weapons, ships, etc. I'm interested in equality what harms if we dont let anybody to play as he want to. I understand that, there are some lolwuts who could make problems, but they can do as a navy or a pirate character.
So basically, I still feel this "elitist" stuff on the server, what wont harm me, just so sad to feel it in a community. [color=#FFFFFF]We have admins and players...I think thats the most important thing what everybody have to keep in mind. Admins and EQUAL players.