' Wrote:Player factions all have advantages and disadvantages. It may be as hard to join the LN as it may be to join the HF. That's not the point. The point is that these aforementioned factions have been integrated in the Discovery lore, so now they're represented not only by players, but by NPCs as well. Which should make them available to indies as well.
I see your point.
However. And this is not intended as a flame/troll/no u to anyone.
Put yourself in the shoes of a leader of one such faction.
If you've worked hard to see your creation through to it's current state, and it is something that you feel strongly about. Why would you want the "Unproven, unwashed" masses to be able to turn your faction into "Just another ol' bunch of morons."
If it makes sense that there aren't meant to be ten billion of the said faction roaming around IRP, then restrict it so that it reflects, and use that in such a way that you can get people who know what they're doing into the faction.
This brings me back to the point that I made earlier.
If you want to join a faction that is "elite" work for it. Makes it special not only to you yourself when you get accepted. But also to those at the wheel. Puts them at ease knowing that the people that are representing their faction's name and image aren't going to 'destroy' it.
Imo, having 10000... SCRA/HF/Keeper,Etc... "indies" running around doesn't make sense.