I think the wiki page you guys came up with was very well layed out, kudos on that. On the page itself, I would suggest removing the 'Signatures' section, unless you feel you really want to display some pretty art, and secondly I would make sure to clearly seperate your OOC description of the faction from the InRP description. You did a pretty good job of this already, but I still get the sense that a lot of what is written is supposed to directly combat people's perception of LN indies within the community, rather than detail your inRP operations.
Secondly, I noticed you guys have a message dump. Normally I'm against unofficial factions having a message dump, unless they are applying for officialdom, but you guys seem to be doing it fairly well, so I think it works out.
Thirdly, I'm liking your guy's activity in-game. Keep it up.
Lastly, I appriciate the amount of inRP investment you have put into the United.States, detailing its technical capabilities and such, and I was wondering if you planned to focus similar attention onto the various liberty snubcraft (Not nessiciaraly individual snubcraft, but an in-depth story behind the snub classes in general. The backstory of the various fighter and bomber craft tends to get neglected, as people will much rather focus on describing the capabilities of their big capitals.)
Overall, 10/10 for what I've seen of this faction.
Edit: Oh, and would you mind adding an ident tag to the United States once you settle on it's name? Doesn't have to be LNS, seeing as you're Air Force... perhaps LRAS. Liberty Republic Air Ship. Just something like that to designate it as a capital craft. Sorry if this seems nitpicky, It's just something I focus on for some reason.
' Wrote:Lastly, I appriciate the amount of inRP investment you have put into the United.States, detailing its technical capabilities and such, and I was wondering if you planned to focus similar attention onto the various liberty snubcraft (Not nessiciaraly individual snubcraft, but an in-depth story behind the snub classes in general. The backstory of the various fighter and bomber craft tends to get neglected, as people will much rather focus on describing the capabilities of their big capitals.)
We'll make some sort of indent Tag for the carrier yes.
Thanks for the nice words man, really do help me as a leader push the faction onwards.
The subcraft (quoted bit) is a good idea, I will. Thanks!