You have told us very little about yourself and what you have told us seems slightly questionable. For example, our database is aware of an Isaac Clarke whose parents were Poul and Octavia, and both were unfortunately victims of the IGS Ishimura accident, but the Isaac Clarke from our database is from Planet Manhattan. Are you sure that you have not made a mistake?
I am sorry, but as things stand, we cannot accept your application. You may try again in two weeks.
PS: The flagship is a Dunkirk-class, but she is not called the Dunkirk. She has a different name.
Region, House or Location of Origin: Kingdom of Bretonia, Planet New London, Beckenham city
Any useful experience and qualifications: BMM Basic Spaceflight Instruction Course, BMM Asteroid Field Navigation Course
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: 10 years I've lived as a hoodlum in misery and filth. So here I am, a day after I turned 27 and with a nasty hangover, trying to do something good in my pathetic life. I'm sick of it, if I die tomorrow above Leeds than so be it, at least I'll be remembered as something more than my drunk of a father.
Short biography: I, Thomas Murphy, was born on 19th of January 797A.S. to father James Murphy and Hannah Murphy (maiden name Hartley) in Beckenham, New London. My mother's family owned a small shop there, in which my mother still works, while my father could have been best described as a drunk nationalist with violent tendencies. He never could keep a job long enough for it to be mentioned here, but they all could be best summed by dumb manual labor that did not require much thinking. Given their backgrounds it was no wonder they could only afford a small apartment at the low class southern district of Beckenham. That's where I lived, studied and made friends with like-minded youth for the first 15 years of my life. Then the old man got busted for collaborating in a smuggling scheme with Molly separatists (arrested in March of 812A.S.) and received a prison sentence of 20 years. My mother, bless her, did the best she could to raise me as a single mother, but regardless of her efforts I turned into a punk. At 17 I dropped out of school and joined the South District's Hooligans (the local gang with a lot of childhood friends from other poor families in the district). What followed are 10 years of street and bar violence, some of which followed by a few days up to few weeks behind bars in Beckenham, as well as working low paid jobs such as bouncer, hired muscle for a loan shark and any other physical labor I would be trusted with given my reputation. The closest I have been to setting my life right was when I got employed by BMM as a miner in 820A.S. but my contract was terminated and I enjoyed the warmth and hospitality of BPA Newgate for 6 months because I rearranged a co-worker's teeth after he called me a "bloody trefoil just like your father" while I was working on Graves Station. Prison sentence was given on 18th of October, 822A.S. by New London's Central Court 10 days after the incident happened.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? Her Majesty's Ship Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. The Corsair Empire, the Mollys of Dublin, the Gallic Royal Navy
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? A line for every Gaul shot down (if the Admiralty permits it)
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 7
What is your Skype address? ddhunter4045
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? Only forum tempbans for either inappropriate language in pictures or defying authority. The most serious it has gotten was when I made jokes in my own sanction thread and nearly got permabanned but I learned my lesson from that.
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? Yes. I'm joining to have fun, not to hate people.
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? Today I had an idea for this character and decided to give it a try. I could've done it as indie but figured I might as well help with activity.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. I could easily fund roughly 50 Templars with standard equipment. Is that enough?
Quite a colourful history you told there, not everyone would be that honest when he wanted to join her Majestys fleet.
I believe every Bretonian has the potential to make something of himself, no matter how life treated him. You will recieve some additional questions to see if you have what it takes to start your service.
Admiral Jacob McIntire
Murphy, Thomas
Your answer was good enough, you will be instated as Ensign in the Ark Royal's Fleet.
Report to her command deck tomorrow at 0900.
There are three words I will give you to keep in mind if you want to make something of yourself, discipline, discipline and discipline.
Prove to me I did not make a mistake by accepting you.
Region, House or Location of Origin: Cambridge, Bretonia
Any useful experience and qualifications: Gateway shipping, escort wing leader 817-819 A.S. Cambridge space flight school #136, instructor 816 A.S., got fighter's pilot flight license
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: I am a draftee, would there be a reason?
Short biography: I come from planet of Cambridge. Studied mechanics of space flight in Cambridge uni for 2 years, then I got kicked out of university for inappropriate behaviour. Worked then on many small jobs, freelancing on Cambridge. Later on, I saved enough to learn space flight and tried to take my chances with Gateway.
Medical checks indicate that I am a drunkard, no need for medics to indicate that though. Also bad eye sight and higher-than-expected agressiveness. That was never a problem for draftees though, aye?
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. Why the hell would I know it?
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Admiral O'Brian, should be him
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? Was it HMS Ark Royal?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. Gallic Kingdom, Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians, all kinds of pirates and corporate rivalries
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? Burning deadman's skull, of course, fitting paint for a suicider! I'm no royalist or religious activist to do some royal insignia or crests. Only some silly warmongers would paint their ship in some killshot lines, I'm no warmonger.
Maybe also couple of pretties, I love when my ship is fancy, you know
You have answered the knowledge questions one, two and three incorrectly, with which you have hopefully not offended her, the fleet admiral. Nevertheless, considering that you were fit for the draft, we will send you an additional question to inquire if you are for front line service too.
Admiral Sir George R. Hall
Tommy Mellowny
Your answer was satisfactory, but due to the mistakes in your questionnaire you will serve in the rear, which is the Third Cambridge Command Fleet, until you gather more experience. You are to come aboard the Norfolk for briefing by 8 AM tomorrow. Welcome aboard, Ensign.
Thomas Mowbray walks into the New Brisbane BAS recruitment office on planet Cambridge. A tall, well-built female officer at the door guides him to a wooden table cluttered with papers. Thomas takes a seat on the recruit-side of the table.
"So let's proceed with your application. Your name?", "Mowbray, Thomas ma'am". The female officer provides him some forms for Thomas to fill out and says 'I'm going to grab a coffee, let me know when you're finished".
With the forms in front of him, Thomas smiled in glee. 'Ah, its begun!' he thought to himself, as he filled out the application form
Bretonia Armed Forces Application Form
I. Personal Information Your name and surname: Thomas Mowbray Age: 25 Region, House or Location of Origin:
New Brisbane, Cambridge Any useful experience and qualifications:
Justice Qualifications in Interstellar Law, flying sorties with the New Brisbane Defence Force and simulated war games incase of invasion Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces:
To contribute to the defence of our lands, protect the honour of Her Majesty, and the wonderful Bretonian peoples. Short biography:
Thomas Mowbray grew up on a farm near New Brisbane which made the greatest ale in all of New Brisbane. After a run-in with a few Molly activists, Thomas was motivated to do something about the threats aimed towards Her Majesty, and the Kingdom of Bretonia. He quickly enlisted in the New Brisbane Defence Force, showing his determination to protect his people while completing a Justice Qualification focussing on interstellar law.
II. Knowledge Questions Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. Carina, Regina, Imperatrix! Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? BAF|HMS-Pendragon Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. Lane Hackers
Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians, Xenos, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, Gallic Corporations, Gallic Royal Navy, Nomads and Aliens If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
An ancient Lion, with the Bretonian flag emblazened behind
// ooRP section How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? 9 How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 5 What is your Skype address? Thomas Mowbray ( Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? No Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take in RP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? Yes What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? I have played this game many years, I want to join Bretonia as it seems to have a great mix of RP as well as combat. Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. My ships and stuff are gone (due to not playing for a while), had I had it I could equip myself and many others. I plan on having it in due course.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway. OOP: Indeed I am, and am planning to have other characters to join them, in particular a trading character
You seem to be well informed of our foreign affairs, and hopefully will be of some use on routine patrols due to your education, but the final question, which you will soon receive, will decide whether you are fit for service, or not.
Admiral Sir George R. Hall
Thomas Mowbray
Patriotism, dedication, education. You have passed the question, and those are the virtues that you have shown. Welcome aboard, ensign. Now you can forget them, as none of them stops a Musket. Prepare your endurance and discipline, and get ready for training hard, as that does. Be on the Harlow by 8 AM tomorrow for a briefing.
Region, House or Location of Origin: Planet Cambridge
Any useful experience and qualifications: My only qualification is being brother of BPA constable Paul Hastings
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: Always wanted to be a military and fight for Bretonia
Short biography: Born in Cambridge, the youngest of 3, Scarlett Hastings being my oldest sister, currently head of BMF security, Paul Hastings middle one and as i stated before a proud constable in the BPA.
Since i can remember i felt a calling to the military. I asked my parents to go see all the parades. When i reached the allowed age for joining the academy, i didn't even had a second thought.
My years at the flight academy were very hard, i look back now and know i was very eluded as i thought it was much easier and friendly, nevertheless i made it thru and achieved my goal of graduating from flight academy, even with some modest grades. It's the problem of family name, as my older brothers graduated with honors from it.
Having my wings brought me a step closer for my life dream, joining the mighty Bretonia Armed Forces.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto. "Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!"
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? HMS-Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with. Primary factions would be the Lane Hackers, Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians, Xenos, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, Red Hessians, Gallic Corporations, Gallic Royal Navy and Nomads and Aliens
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? A Platypus
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10? 7
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 2
What is your Skype address? you have it
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? No
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? Yes
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces? None
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not. Yes
You are good at using your family connections to reach a better position. That means nothing here. All the positions are equally lethal.
You will receive an additional question soon, which will determine whether you have what we need, or not.
Admiral Sir George R. Hall
Michael Hastings
You might have finished the academy, but that is nothing compared to what is waiting for you. The dedication that you spoke of is what you will often need, as you have passed the test. Welcome aboard, ensign. You have a day to say goodbye to your friends and relatives. Be aboard the Harlow on Thursday by 8 AM for a briefing.
I. Personal Information
Your name and surname: Joshua "Price" Hampstead AKA Sigma "Red Raven" Pulschovik (in a day where the name meant something)
Age: 25\
Region, House or Location of Origin: Rheinland Origin
Any useful experience and qualifications: family Military Experience and training, Flew with Freelancers for Escort duty. For infor on more experieces talk to him directly
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces: Freinds in the BMF suggested it, too much trouble in Bretonia for me to sit by and pass it on as nothing.
Short biography:
"bio's....too much paper work".....
Ill start by saying i came from Rheinland, i wont delve into the details too much, my past isnt something my family is proud to be a part of or be trained with. In Rheinland The family was well known for having members that could be trained easily, learn quickly, adapt, and even in some cases, conquer. but things change, so in one movement the family scattered to the systems with what we could, i ended up in bretonia with my family and took to trading, but im a millitary man at heart, my experience for the military had me through Bretonia's academy fairly quick i can fly any ship needed and work around the clock. there was no dream, no real reason that blinded me, it was the facts of looking around and doing whats right.
my goals? join with the capital ships hopefully work hard enough to get my own soon to take back Bretonia from the Gallic forces. Leeds was a good place, Bretonia, was Grander. Lets make it Better once again.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto.
"too easy sir."
Who is the current fleet admiral of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces?
Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian SIR
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship?
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with.
The Primary factions are the Lane Hackers, Corsairs, Mollys, Gaians, Xenos, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, Red Hessians, Gallic Corporations, Gallic Royal Navy and Nomads and Aliens
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be?
A Red Raven within a faded Black and Dark green Back Ground and a gold border.
// ooRP section
How would you rate your RP skills from 1 to 10?
9.5-RP everyday possible on other sites
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10?
5-Returning player
What is your Skype address?
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for?
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level?
Yes i do agree to this. without being fair we are making a great experience worse for others.
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces?
To join and assist Freinds in BAF forces and have a lawful character in bretonia ready for action and use. ive seen alot of trouble in server recently and feel to have someone able to use when no one is available.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you can not.
And lastly, since you are interested in the BAF, maybe you would also like to join the Bretonia Police Authority, the Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing, Bowex or Gateway.