Region, House or Location of Origin: Planet New London, Bretonia
Are you a Bretonian Citizen?: Yes
Any useful experience and qualifications:
- Pilot of a Bretonia "Invincible"-class Dreadnought
- Participated in the defense of BMF Alland’s Base during a siege
- Expertise in capital ship maneuvers, fleet support, and hyperspace technology
- Use of advanced equipment such as Jumping IV drives, docking bays, cloaking disruptor, and hyperspace modules
Motivation for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces:
- To protect Bretonia from hostile factions and contribute to its security. I aim to use my experience and advanced Dreadnought to support fleet operations and defend key Bretonian assets.
Short biography:
Born on Planet New London, I was inspired by the valor of the Bretonian Armed Forces. Over time, I have outfitted my Bretonia "Invincible"-class Dreadnought with the best technology, investing millions in upgrades. Recently, I helped defend BMF Alland’s Base against Red Hessians, IMG, and Coalition forces. My experience in strategic fleet battles and dedication to defending Bretonia drive me to formally join the Armed Forces.
II. Knowledge Questions
Quote the Bretonia Armed Forces motto: Carina, Regina, Imperatrix!
Who is the current admiral of the fleet of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? Admiral John Redmond
Who is the current fleet captain of Queen Carina the First's Armed Forces? (To be confirmed based on current leadership)
What is the name of the Bretonia Armed Forces flagship? HMS Pendragon
Enumerate the primary factions Her Majesty's Armed Forces are currently at war with: Red Hessians, Coalition, Corsairs, Gallia, and criminal entities such as IMG.
If you painted something on your ship, what would it be? The Bretonian flag with a lion standing against a storm, symbolizing strength and resilience.
How would you rate your PvP skills from 1 to 10? 7
What is your Discord address? grimreaper#4149
Have you ever been sanctioned? If you have, what for? Never been sanctioned
Do you agree to always be fair, considerate of other players and not to take inRP hostilities with characters to an ooRP level? Yes
What is your ooRP reason for joining the Bretonia Armed Forces?
I enjoy the strategic role in fleet battles, and BAF offers an immersive RP-driven experience for combat and coordination.
Can you fund your ship and equipment? The BAF| can provide you with limited credits or equipment if you cannot. Yes, I can fully fund my ship and equipment, I've already spent about $60 million in this ship.
Are you aware that your character must be a Bretonian Citizen in order to be accepted? Yes