Nice way of dealing with the lost DSE indie 5ker today at Java.
I expected it somehow to end in simple pews and a quickdock, but the situation was clevery solved, the indie educated about occupied Taus, roleplay for about 10 people generated and an imo nice solution was found (no one lost anything, everybody played their realistic role).
Definite kudos for that rp! That was exactly the right mix of "this is the ingame situation, we have to play our roles" and "ok, he has no clue, let's educate him and send him off".
After the past few days where GRN primary and indie has risen where things like this are happening. This is just a few mind. I have too many screens to sift through to prove. If you want more evidence of this ganking on us, which I doubt. I will be happy to find it and post it. Bearing in mind we are always the first on the scene as we are so active in space. I have no problem with ganking, but when I am being told by you that we, are ganking when we are first on the seen in a fair fight where we aren't working with any LNS etc which come after, to then be told to leave you alone. I just don't understand it at all. I've tried to organise some events with the GRN so we can actually have some fun on both sides without interference, that doesn't seem to be happening after my conversations on Skype. I feel like I'm wasting my breath. I love this server.
There was also a Freelancer working for the Royal Navy and two others who didn't show up on the scanners. I deem that far too much. We have a few new players in the faction and they are getting frustrated to be outnumbered all the time like this. Ok, if we had a lot of backup it wouldn't be this way but it seems that it is always us and a few indie caps who have nothing to do with us.
I set a little trap to see if the GRN really are blue message whores. I saw four of you, 3 fighters and a bomber come up on my scanner. I docked. Hardland.Voss was the trap where he was waiting inside Freeport 4 to see if you guys really are fair, despite you bringing four people, which I could see on my scanners to the Freeport. With this evidence you decided to not wait for him return, yet take a quick easy blue message.
I was very, very disappointed to see this. After I had spent time talking to Rodent, the Leader of the GRN about this. I showed him a lot of evidence and he failed to reply to me on skype, knowing that he is in the wrong. Yes, maybe he was away but from what I could tell, since our conversation on skype which he later ignored he seemed to be on the forums reading multiple threads and in game. I tried to keep this a closed civil thing, but I am forced to come here and have everyone see it. Is this trap that I set for you a common occurrence? Surely as a good Discovery player you would wait around for him to come back / other enemies to appear. I'm not here to look bad, I'm here to voice the opinion of myself and many others. I'm trying to keep it civil and am sorry that I have had to make you look a little bad. I'm just speaking the truth here. I look forward to your feedback.
(11-26-2013, 08:09 PM)Texas.Red Wrote: After the past few days where GRN primary and indie has risen where things like this are happening. This is just a few mind. I have too many screens to sift through to prove. If you want more evidence of this ganking on us, which I doubt. I will be happy to find it and post it. Bearing in mind we are always the first on the scene as we are so active in space. I have no problem with ganking, but when I am being told by you that we, are ganking when we are first on the seen in a fair fight where we aren't working with any LNS etc which come after, to then be told to leave you alone. I just don't understand it at all. I've tried to organise some events with the GRN so we can actually have some fun on both sides without interference, that doesn't seem to be happening after my conversations on Skype. I feel like I'm wasting my breath. I love this server.
There was also a Freelancer working for the Royal Navy and two others who didn't show up on the scanners. I deem that far too much. We have a few new players in the faction and they are getting frustrated to be outnumbered all the time like this. Ok, if we had a lot of backup it wouldn't be this way but it seems that it is always us and a few indie caps who have nothing to do with us.
I set a little trap to see if the GRN really are blue message whores. I saw four of you, 3 fighters and a bomber come up on my scanner. I docked. Hardland.Voss was the trap where he was waiting inside Freeport 4 to see if you guys really are fair, despite you bringing four people, which I could see on my scanners to the Freeport. With this evidence you decided to not wait for him return, yet take a quick easy blue message.
I was very, very disappointed to see this. After I had spent time talking to Rodent, the Leader of the GRN about this. I showed him a lot of evidence and he failed to reply to me on skype, knowing that he is in the wrong. Yes, maybe he was away but from what I could tell, since our conversation on skype which he later ignored he seemed to be on the forums reading multiple threads and in game. I tried to keep this a closed civil thing, but I am forced to come here and have everyone see it. Is this trap that I set for you a common occurrence? Surely as a good Discovery player you would wait around for him to come back / other enemies to appear. I'm not here to look bad, I'm here to voice the opinion of myself and many others. I'm trying to keep it civil and am sorry that I have had to make you look a little bad. I'm just speaking the truth here. I look forward to your feedback.
Wait a second...
I don't currently have a GRN| ship... Been a long time since I was actively and regularly flying anything, infact. But let me get this straight...
You had a guy glitch himself inside a station, then pretend to go AFK, then took screenshots which show people giving six whole minutes for someone to return from being AFK...
Dude, if I'd been AFK for six minutes, I would have docked... If I hadn't docked, it would imply I had run off in some kind of emergency or something. If I had run off in some kind of emergency, then I would have been thankful to whoever kindly blew up my ship to put me back on a base.
"Setting up a trap" indeed... Deceptive behaviour in an oorp context, to gather stuff to throw as 'feedback' into a thread, with the intent of making other people look bad, to mitigate your own shortcomings. I'll be honest, it looks just a shade vindictive, or at least indicative of some kind of not-so-fond-of-the-GRN agenda.
Come on, man... You can do better than that, surely.
Also, I'd think that a few people might want to have a word with you about you "always being first on the scene". I've seen a fair bit of stuff in the [LN] chat lately about you guys jumping into a magelan-style party on the LN's side, despite the whole deal being already covered by the lib navy ships present.
I don't think that claim really has much weight, other than to serve as a self agrandising "oh look at how active we are" comment, to justify whatever it is you happen to be doing.
Again, I'm pretty sure that you can do better.
Also, your avatar is freakin' strange, man. Straaaaaange.
Thanks Jihad, but that addresses none of our concerns. There is nobody left in our faction who has any respect for the GRN| at this point, and we'd just like this resolved without being ignored on Skype. As Texas said, we didn't want to bring it into the open, but what else can we do?
(11-26-2013, 09:07 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: I've seen a fair bit of stuff in the [LN] chat lately about you guys jumping into a magelan-style party on the LN's side, despite the whole deal being already covered by the lib navy ships present.
I've been in most of the 27th's fights and haven't seen any LN tagged players doing anything of use for two or three weeks by my guess. Unless you mean the LN that have all jumped into GRN| since the 27th became active. We haven't seen any BAF or LN in ages, except Conqueror, who was shouted at for daring to not give the GRN| their precious kill messages. I'm sure you can tell from the way I am typing this how most of the 27th feels about the GRN| by now, so I'm not going to say anything more. Again, we didn't want to make this public, we were ignored. We wanted to sort it in Skype and get a response, but whenever we link images like the first two in the above post, GRN| goes silent on us.
I just want the GRN| to talk to us about things like the above. We don't want an argument, or a flame war, or anything remotely like it, so please don't get the impression that I'm trying to start that. We just want a response to the situations like that one that we've found ourselves in over, and over.
I'd just like to remind you of this before you respond:
(11-26-2013, 08:09 PM)Texas.Red Wrote: We have a few new players in the faction and they are getting frustrated to be outnumbered all the time like this.
It's almost as if you didn't actually read my post. How utterly baffling...
(11-26-2013, 09:46 PM)Technogeist Wrote: I just want the GRN| to talk to us about things like the above. We don't want an argument, or a flame war, or anything remotely like it, so please don't get the impression that I'm trying to start that.
If this is the case, then 'setting traps' and generally acting like some kind of monologuing Bond villian seems like a relatively poor way to go about it.
"You see Mr Bond, ve have set up an elaborate plan to display to the world how you and your organisation have been disrupting our affairs. This smear campaign will be global in a few minutes, as soon as I press ze button on zis forum post... MUAHAHAHAHAAAA!
Mr Bond, I do not expect you to die, I expect you to be throughly publicly humiliated!" ... And then you go back to your oversized leather office chair and mahogany desk, to stroke your white cat...
Yea- No. That's not gonna help.
But uh... Yes, the [LN] players, flying [LN] ships, have indeed talked about 27th ships flying into fights which involve the GRN| and [LN], and shooting at the GRN despite the fact the fight is more than covered.
But that's an aside. It was more a method of pointing out that your claim to being "always on the scene first" is absurd. You can't know that... And I'll be extremely surprised if you've never turned up at something which is already happening.
Hint; if other people are there, then you have not arrived first.
Stop being silly and just play the game without any of these elaborate schemes and tricks, and ludicrous self agrandising statements.
Joe got a point here. If I'd ever happen to want to exploit a glitch and succeed at this kind of abusement of game mechanics, the least would be that I shut my mouth and not brag around about it. If you want others to play fair, do it yourself first.
Right. You want us to reply to this. I will, just because I'm such a nice guy.
So. What we have here is the LNS-Illustrious, a full Solaris Liberty Assault Carrier piloted by BlackWidow that more often than not feeds snubcraft with nanobots and shield batteries, and always jumps out at the last moment because, well, jumpdrives can't be disrupted.
This glorious ship is supported by yourself and a Liberty Gunboat.
On our side we have.. A fair number of bombers and a Gunboat as well. Obviously unfair. You're supposed to duel full Solaris carriers with a single bomber, I know. I apologize.
So, this is your idea of ganking.
Of course, the best part of all this is that you fail to provide screenshots of how this fight started: you were doing missions together with a DSE-IFF'd Liner and five or six 27th| snubcraft. You know this. I know this. I'm sure you won't deny it unless you're here merely to spread lies (but surely you're not that kind of person, and are simply a concerned player).
You know what those snubcraft of yours did? When I was at about 12k range, you engaged the one and only GRN that was on the scene. A quick excerpt from how it started:
[25.11.2013 17:57:42] GRN|Stephan.Moreau,: I'm here to start the "fun".
[25.11.2013 17:58:10] GRN|Stephan.Moreau,: Though, my colleagues seem to have lagged behind... They'll be here shortly, I'm sure.
[25.11.2013 17:58:21] GRN|Stephan.Moreau,: Oh, quick one you are, Ivan.
[25.11.2013 17:58:23] GRN|Maurice.Cornett.: Have no fear, Cornett is here.
[25.11.2013 17:58:39] 27th|Ivan.Grahovac: engaging target
[25.11.2013 17:58:39] 27th|Winston.Baxter: We've got this, moving in!
[25.11.2013 17:58:41] SUSA]-Terra.Nova: Williams: How about.. both of you guys help fight these Outcasts then do your brawl?
[25.11.2013 17:58:46] 27th|Harland.Voss: Go go!
So, we've got a five versus one going here, which quickly turned into a five versus two. You didn't do so well and ended up losing most of your forces. Then some random capital ships and snubs arrived as well while the fight was now in orbit of Freeport 4 (which shoots us, by the way). Two I screenshotted:
So. Basically. In summary, the fight started more or less even, with you having a numeric advantage briefly early on. We then killed a few of your pilots. We ended up with a numerical advantage, cleaned up some random stuff, and then your screenshots "happened".
Not quite my definition of ganking. I call this "winning a fight", usually.
I just asked the total of four (Yeah, it was four) snubs we had on the scene if they remember him helping much, or even giving us regens. None of our people involved said they did. Considering that that battlecruiser you mentioned died in roughly one minute, I'm sure you had more than enough firepower for all of us, plus this Liberty Gunboat you mentioned, which none of us remember even being there. Maybe he died too quickly for us to even notice him being there beneath the swarm of red contacts.
(11-26-2013, 10:20 PM)Haste Wrote: you were doing missions together with a DSE-IFF'd Liner and five or six 27th| snubcraft.
Yeah, I do know this. However, it was four snubs, and that liner did not assist in the battle in any way. Let's see who we had.
Me, Harland.
Let me know if you remember anyone else we had there, as I don't. The liner continued with the mission and did not at any point engage or assist.
(11-26-2013, 10:20 PM)Haste Wrote: So, we've got a five versus one going here
No, it's a four versus one that wouldn't have happened if he hadn't closed on our position while reinforcements poured out of Leeds. As I recall, we ended up being chased back to the Freeport by 6-7 snubs. So no, I don't think that was unfair in the slightest.
You killed Ivan as I remember Felix and Winston still being alive, although I'm pretty sure Winston left and showed up again near the end of the fight, after you had mopped up and called in a solaris gunboat to deal with.. Actually, I don't remember anything but me and Felix being alive at that point.
I'd go on more about this but I've just had to log on to have the 27th online in Cortez to dock and leave because you, Haste, and another GRN| had jumped into Cortez and tried to hunt down four of us, presumably to get a screenshot of a "gank", if I know you well enough. And I think I do at this point, after all I've heard about you.
I'd prefer to speak to Rodent now, if at all possible, thanks.
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[25.11.2013 17:59:11] 27th|Matilda.Antioch: need a hand with that gaul?
That "five" wasn't made up.
I did not imply the Liner helped either, or that the Illustrious fed in this particular case. Just that it's a ship known for doing so, and thus deserves all the bombers planted on it we can get.
And good lord, I didn't even bother to mention all the times where we had two or three snubcraft but faced half a dozen of your ships, including that Zephyr you like to bring out.
Or hell, that huge cluster[censored] in Leeds a day or two ago. Your pilots ended up happily helping out a force already twice our size.
The odds might not have been in your favor in this particular case, no. At least not during the entirety of the fight. But I don't like how you (plural) are trying to twist the facts so that it looks far more like a gank than it truly was.
Again, if people on your side die, that doesn't mean that the fight is suddenly a gank.
I'm sure that Rod is more than willing to talk, although seemingly leaving out facts, ooRPly "deceiving" (by abusing game glitches, no less) us so you can throw dirt in a feedback thread, and so forth, likely doesn't help your case.
Looking at the chat log, we had five players, with a sixth arriving late (after you headed for the Freeport), by the way. The majority of the fight, and the part wherein you took the most losses, you had an equal number of opponents. One or two arrived later on to deal with the multiple capitals, that's true. You weren't really targeted though. In fact, you decided to stay right on my rear the entire time even though I was targeting the Illustrious. You could've just run off once 'all hope was lost'.
And another edit.
The more I read this, the less I understand it. Every time GRN goes into Magellan, we basically know that we're going to end up horribly outnumbered sooner or later. It's a given. We've accepted it. We go in, and if feces hits the fan, we can always try and make a run for it.
Nine out of ten fights I've seen that had 27th| involved, you either had a force matching us, a larger one, or were assisting one substantially larger than ours. This claim of "our new members don't like being outnumbered all the time" just doesn't match what I've seen ingame.
Now, I'm going to be brutally honest. You do seem to have a fair number of newer / less experienced members. You don't have very many players who are good at PvP. This is fine. But you're a PvP-oriented faction - as in, your primary goal is something along the lines of "shooting GRN" - if I'm not mistaken. It might feel like you're getting ganked because you're facing more experienced players (sometimes).
My advice would be to try and take a more relaxed attitude to losing. GRN loses a whole lot of engagements because there's so many factions that'll log on to shoot at us. Knowing this, we can do two things. Either we accept our fate and have fun regardless (my preferred option), or we complain about it even though it's unlikely to affect things in the long run.
Don't take this as an insult, please. Things may seem like a gank if you lose very rapidly / by a great margin even when the odds are near-equal because of difference in skill. That's simply how the game works.
But seriously, you 27th fellas should really stop complaining about the "ganks" when you do nothing but those on the Gallic factions....My advice is don't get upset over this, if you lose, you lose, it's not that big of a deal...
And about rrhis:
(11-26-2013, 09:46 PM)Technogeist Wrote: There is nobody left in our faction who has any respect for the GRN| at this point,
I personally could care less......And after this little attempt at whatever this was, I believe the feeling is mutual, if there was ever any on our behalf...