Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: Battleship Gettysburg, Pennsylvania system. ID: Ensign Darius Martin Subject: Report
Greetings everyone,
Today I had a emergency call from Battleship Gettysburg in Pennsylvania system. I was at West Point Military Academy in New York, it wasnt a problem to get to Pennsylvania quickly.
Arriving at Planet Erie, allied ships gave me information about a Outcast Dreadnought in Pennsylvania, it didnt took a lot of time to find it. It was in the near Helium field, where it assaulted innocent miners and haulers. Our group attacked the Dreadnought, unfortunately it activated his Jumpdrive and jumped away to unknown coordinates.
It didnt take long time Commodore John Darius appeared, I reported all what happend before and it was him who discovery a unknown Kusarian pilot who was attacking a GMG transport in the Helium field, unfortunately the attacker could destroy the transport. A Kusarian, well he sounded like a Kusarian, anyways he was flying a Rheinlandish Bomber.. that makes no sence to me, but however we managed to destroy the attacker.
This ends my report.
Darius Martin, Ensign of the Fith Libery Navy Fleet
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard ID: Commodore John Darius|Leader of Research and development Subject: Today's report
Greetings everyone.
Today my patrol started off at Pueblo where a junker with a pirate train was. He managed to get away so I am asking if anyone sees him, to take him down.
Next, I went to Pennsylvania to meet Ensign Darius Martin as he found an Outcast dreadnought. The vessel managed to escape, but came back soon and got destroyed. After that we encountered a rheinland vessel that attacked a GMG transport and destroyed it. We engaged the vessel and took it down. Uploading gun cams:
After that, we chased Fury|Vennamis throughout the system and we managed to chase him down as he agreed to fight only one of us. We granted it and I engaged in combat with him and taking him down really fast. Uploading gun cams:
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: West Point Military Academy, New York System ID: Ensign Darius Martin Subject: Report
Greetings everyone,
Several hours after my patrol in Pennsylvania, I had a emergency call from Admiral Jack O'neill, he found a Rouge Scylla class Destroyer in the badlands and needed bomber assistance, I hopped into my Upholder and set course to his signal. Barerly could find him since the badlands anomaly lowers scanner range and communication.
I could arrive right in time to his position and we attacked the unlawful ship named "DeathCollecter", later during that fight we got assistance by Interspace Commerce bomber wing Delta-One who came right in time. With his help we managed to destroy it.
This ends my report.
Darius Martin, Ensign of the Fith Libery Navy Fleet
Communication channel opened... Encryption:HIGH Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard ID: Admiral Jack O'Neill Subject: Nomad assault
Greetings everyone. Today at 00:02 hours Juneau's long range scanners detected a large group of nomad ships inbound. 2 minutes later Kodiak's scanners where able to pick up the incoming hostile forces. With the Odyssey curently on mission and most of our ships scattered across Liberty i had to board an unfinished ship the 5th|LNS-Kansas. Because of this fact we where already at a disadvantage not to mention that the crew's number was just above the minimum. Immediatly we set course to Kodiak station where met an LSF Battlecruiser the LSF-Orion and a Navy Siege cruiser the LNS-Aurora. Unfortunatly for me, when i arrived the nomads where already and both the ships and the station recieved multiple hits. Quickly we entered the battle and managed to destroy the nomads. Soon after that more nomads appeared. They've kept coming in waves and we bearly where able to hold our position and defend Kodiak. Fortunatly for us after the 3rd wave of nomads was destroyed reinforcements arrived. The Kansas suffered multiple hits and the hull was breached at Deck 10, Deck 14, and Deck 9. With the reinforcements with us we where able to defeat their last wave and the remaining fighters. Kodiak Recieved multiple hits and got damaged. Unfortunatly the nomads tend to use cloacking devices and are able to bypass most of our security forces pretty easily, but we have no choice but to increase secutiry in alaska. Who knows what will be their target next time. Maybe it will be our home Juneau or worse.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: West Point Military Academy, New York System ID: Ensign Darius Martin Subject: Report
Greetings everyone,
today's patrol was very eventfull, first we had two Rogues luring around the California Gate in New York. With the assistance of Navy Siege Cruiser "Shotblast" and Admiral Jack O'neill, during that fight =LSF=Supernova pushed to us, we managed to take down those guys. Later Battlegroup Harmony Cruiser Chicago found a Battlegroup Auxesia vessel "A/)-Basilisk2" in the debris field between Planet Manhattan and Military Academy West Point, I assisted Chicago in this fight while in this time a Hellfire Destroyer "[HF]-HFD-Iblis" showed up to assist his "allie". This Hellfire was special he was flying a Rogue Destroyer class ship "Scylla" unfortunately, it managed to destroy the Chicago. Escape pods were taken by the Navy and returned to safety. While this Destroyer was alive and destroying some of our reinforcements Admiral Jack o'neill managed to return to West Point and get to his "Waran" a heavy bomber vessel, returning with more firepower and another Liberty Siege Cruiser inbound we managed to destroy the Iblis. Back on West Point Military Academy we repaired and refilled our ships and docked out. Setting course to California, I found two Rogues again, "Hurricane a Rogue Scylla Class Destroyer and "Black.Minstrel" a Greyhound Pirate Very Heavy Fighter, Black.Minstrel decided to test my piloting skills which ended in his death. After this I proceeded to Magellan where I met a Gallic Royal Navy fighter "Annet Vidal" near Freeport 4, I decided to engage her and managed to take it out. After returning to Planet California Minor for a drink and refuel I got a message from Admiral Jack o'neill about a Rogue vessel at the California Gate in New York arriving in New York Jack gave order to destroy the Rogue vessel "Ji.Reilly", it managed to dock and jump back to California where I met it at the tradelane to Planet Mojave. We had a very interesting and exiting duel but I managed to take her out.
This ends my report.
Darius Martin, Ensign of the Fith Libery Navy Fleet
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: West Point Military Academy, New York System ID: Recruit James Raynor Subject: Report
I started my patrol from West Point Academy, New York. I got reports from a civilian that 2 Helfire Legion ships are roaming the system. At that point i requested support from my navy fellas. We started our search for the hostile ships, and found one of them named [HF]-Nightjar at Norfolk Shipyard. In short time more hostiles arrived, a Xeno named Erika.Wood, and several Hellfire fighters. After we destroy the first wave, a number of Hellfire Legion Capital Ships appeared on the battlefield: Hellfire.Thing, [HF]-HFB-Incursus, HFBC-Ravager, and one fighter escort named [HF]-Redeemer. The allied Capital Ships engaged the Legion’s new arrived enemies, and i engaged their fighter escort. After a long fight, my ship’s power core failed, due to damage taken from previous battle, and Redeemer destroyed my ship, fact that left me into space for several hours in the life pod. I have been saved after all by search and rescue units, and brought to Planet Manhattan.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: West Point Military Academy, New York System ID: Ensign Darius Martin Subject: Report
Greetings everyone,
Today we encoutert a small Battlegroup of the Hellfire Legion who where comming from Colorado and California. [HF]-HFBC-Last.Sunrise was attacking the Liberty Siege Cruiser "Surreal" the Hellfire attackers were assisted by a wing of fighters and a bomber. Namely, [HF]-Adam.Williams,[HF]-Falcon and [HF]-Meallan.Dagon. Unfortunately the Sun Rise managed to destroy the Surreal with aid of Hellfire Bomber Meallan Dagon. Hellfire Fighter forces attacked us near Newark, Commander John Sader and myself were defending Manhattan obrbit, later Liberty Security Force pilot Ashley Sunderland who assisted us later during the fight. LNS-Shamrock.Bay was behind for reinforcement. With the aid of Commander John Sader we I managed to take out two Hellfire Legion pilots out unfortunately, the Last Sunrise and Meallan Dagon managed to escape to Colorado.
This ends my report.
Darius Martin, Ensign of the Fith Libery Navy Fleet
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: Battleship Yukon, California System ID: Lieutenant Darius Martin Subject: Report
Greetings everyone,
today we faced a large Gallic Royal Navy fleet in California, our defending fleet launched a swift and devastating attack which overrun the attacking Gauls and we managed to destroy their entire attacking fleet. Unfortunately we lost three of our Battleships, we know they died in honor and defending their homeland, god bless their souls. During the fight I managed to takeout two of their battlecruisers.
This ends my report.
Darius Martin, Lieutenant of the Fith Libery Navy Fleet
Communication channel opened... Encryption:HIGH Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard ID: Admiral Jack O'Neill
Greetings everyone. I would better message you about something happier, but i can't. As most of you already know 10 days ago there was an accident in West Manhattan.
A warehouse full of highly explosive materials blowed up, however, it is unknown what exactly caused the explosion. Why is this important you may ask. Well the firefighters combined with search and rescue units found a dogtag in the ashes. I regret to inform everyone that Commodore John Darius was in the warehouse when the explosion happened and died there.
A great loss. We lost a very promising officer, comrade, friend. A symbolic commemoration will be held tomorrow at 1600 aboard Juneau.
Thats all for now.
Communication channel opened... Encryption:Medium Origin: California, Battleship Yukon ID: Captain John Armada Subject: The death of a fellow brother-in-arms
High Command and fellow brothers-in-arms.
I'd like to express my sincerest condolences upon the death of Commodore John Darius.
As well as this, I do apologize for my absence during the symbolic commemoration, for I would have liked to take part in it, to show my respect and the last farewell to our fallen brother-in-arms.
Unfortunately, my stay in hospital and care of the freshly gained injuries, thanks to the unexpected, sudden explosion of my ship that was caused by a viscious attack of a Gallic Royal Navy bomber, made it impossible to do so.
I hope the reason of this explosion of this warehous that caused Commodore Darius' death, will be found soon.
May he rest in peace, in a place much prettier and more peaceful than Sirius.