I have one simple question about mining. Why are the fields that show to be mine-able, Not? Exampled Silverton, Copperton, and quite a few others. even http://discoveryfl.com/wiki/index.php?titl...ing_Guide/Areas the wiki says that they are, but when i checked, they aren't.
Please Note that while this guide is intended to help you with mining, it is neither conclusive nor exhaustive. It may or may not be accurate based on ingame developments, produced through Flhook activities and balancing. Changes may occur without warning.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
BMM can make purchase of the Maffic and other mining ships, even if they're on IMG bases, ship set up renders docking rules useless in many cases. The maffic etc are on BMM's allowed ship list, and they're not IMG specific. Ship sell locations are not always based on RP, but based on the number of ship dealers available. If you have serious issues with them; maybe make a thread on the issue (BMM access to maffic etc are not the only issue present), or maybe PM a dev, I think Blodo or someone might be able to add shipdealers to existing bases, not sure.
Gold Ore...Yet Again.
Something must be wrong with that. You get rich as hell really quick when you do Scrap Metal in Texas and take it to Fuchu Prison. It's really quick, once you have all bonusses.
But Gold Ore in Dublin: Even with all Bonusses (i.e. including matching IFF), its outcome is virtually nothing.
It seems a bit unrealistic to me, that Scrapmetal gets you rich pretty safely whereas Gold Ore lets you stay poor while beeing terrorised bei NPC-Pirates and Players who want their share of your really really slim result.
The selling location is fine. 10k when you make it alive to New York. That means an escort is needed, which is very realistic. But the outcome of the "best" mining field in Dublin...not good. Doesn't make Goldmining attractive at all, although in my opinion mining expensive stuff must (i.e. should) make you richer than mining cheap stuff.